Between Product and Partnerships
Building an ecosystem requires close collaboration between product and partnerships. We're talking to product, partnership, and engineering leaders about how to build, support, and scale SaaS ecosystems that result in happier customers and more revenue. Watch, listen, or read the interviews.
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Between Product and Partnerships
Design-First Approach to Building APIs & a Developer Experience and Industry Trends - Episode 7
Steve Rodda is the CEO of Stoplight, a global API design and documentation platform that helps SaaS companies design, test, mock, & document APIs.
For several years he has held various leadership roles in engineering and product management, leading large organizations like SolarWinds and Cherwell.
Along with discussing trends in how companies are designing and documenting their APIs, in this interview Steve shares:
- What it means to be an API-first company, and what API first means today.
- What “Design-First" means when it comes to APIs, and processes and tooling to use in the design phase of building an API.
- Best practices for security, building a developer experience, and maintaining and supporting API design and documentation over time.
- Advice for getting buy-in internally to invest in developer experience.
- Recommendations for collecting qualitative and quantitative feedback on the developer experience.
You can also read the transcript here: https://www.pandium.com/blogs/recent-trends-in-api-design-documentation-management
To access more content on integrations, APIs, and technology partnerships, check out our blog and resources page here:
Download the Report on the State of Integrations and APIs at 400 SaaS Companies: https://www.pandium.com/resources/download-the-report-on-the-state-of-integrations-and-apis-at-400-saas-companies
Partnerships & Product Management Resources: https://www.pandium.com/resource-center
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