Between Product and Partnerships
Building an ecosystem requires close collaboration between product and partnerships. We're talking to product, partnership, and engineering leaders about how to build, support, and scale SaaS ecosystems that result in happier customers and more revenue. Watch, listen, or read the interviews.
Want to access more content on integrations, APIs, and technology partnerships? Check out our blog and resources page here:
Blog - https://www.pandium.com/blog
Resources - https://www.pandium.com/resource-center
Between Product and Partnerships
User-Centric Approach for Building Product Integrations - Episode 4
Priya Sukumar, the Director of Product Management at RingCentral, defines a user-centric approach to building integrations, and shares processes she has used to implement this approach in her day-to-day. She also provides tactical advice for collecting user data and keeping up to date with integration changes.
Want to access more content on integrations, APIs, and technology partnerships? Check out our blog and resources page here:
Download the Report on the State of Integrations and APIs at 400 SaaS Companies: https://www.pandium.com/resources/download-the-report-on-the-state-of-integrations-and-apis-at-400-saas-companies
Partnerships & Product Management Resources: https://www.pandium.com/resource-center
To network with others working on building integrated SaaS tech partnerships apply to join our 1100+ member group here: https://www.saasecosystemalliance.com/